Tonia Luna
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Purchasing Land for your Home

Building a house can be an exciting process. The first step in the process is finding the perfect lot for your home. There are many things to consider when looking for land. If you take the time to research and consider the different options, you can be confident in your final decision.


When choosing where to build, consider things that are important to you and your family. Some things to consider:

School district - If have children or are planning on it, the school district will play an important role in the community you choose. Look at different websites to see how the district ranks. Talk with people in the area to get an insider’s view. Another indication of a good school district is how the community responds when improvements are needed.

Amenities – This can be different for everyone. Walking trails and a community park might be something high on your wants list. Other things to consider are walking distance to shops and restaurants. Where is the nearest grocery store or shopping mall?  Make a list of your top amenities and decide which ones you can’t live without.

Work Commute – Determine how you will get to work – walk, drive, mass transit. Your mode of transportation will impact where you buy. Also, determine how long of a commute you are willing to take on. Commute times are important in choosing the location.

Due Diligence

There are many ways to gather information about the lot you choose.  Inspection of the subdivision plat of survey will indicate any easements, flood plains, wetland boundaries etc.  In addition, ask the developer if there are subsoil tests, or warranties.  The subdivision declarations will specify building setbacks, building materials, roof pitches and association fees.  Ask for a survey or sellers condition report if purchasing from a private party.  This will indicate lot dimensions, structures on the property, and any buried tanks.  Most new subdivisions will have buried utilities to the lot line, but rural lots will often require septic and well systems, as well as bottled LP gas.


Every city has zoning codes and ordinances. Make sure you know the local codes. The plans you have for building have to stay within those limits. In addition, many homeowners’ associations have a set of rules and restrictions. These rules can dictate what kind of house you can build, where you can park your car or even what kind of pet you have. Make sure you are comfortable with all the zoning and restrictions on the land you are looking to purchase.

Choosing land to build your dream home can be stressful.  Try to eliminate some of this stress by ensuring you have knowledge of the process before you start. Be sure to understand what you want and how these different areas can affect the final decision. 



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